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Pork Rib Roast

2-rib roast
prep 2TB Asian Oil (Asian Oil, our term, is Sesame Oil flavored with a saute of fresh garlic, ginger, and scallions, strained and set aside for future use.) if not available, use Sesame Oil, with 1 TB 5-Spice powder, (5-Spice powder: equal parts of cumin,  curry,  ginger,  garlic, onion)

Brush pork with seasoned Asian Oil
Pour 1 cup stock into baking pan

Slow-roast (200* oven) pork for 45 minutes per pound (pork takes longer than poultry)
Take pork out of oven and baste with the drippings (add a touch more Asian Oil if needed)

Crank oven to 475*
Cook for 10 minutes.
(Desired temperature: 140*; 145* kills off pathogens; temperature will rise during 10 minute settling.) 

Top with a piece of herbed butter
Let roast sit for ten minutes.

 IF SAUCE DESIRED, Here’s an option:

2 TB Meyer’s lemon
¼ cup chopped parsley
2 TB hot cherry vinegar peppers
2 TB white wine
Pan drippings
¼ cup chicken stock 

Heat the roasting pan with all the above ingredients and scrape.
When the pan is scraped pour the pan sauce into a 2 cup pan
Should be about 1 cup of pan sauce.
Reduce to half a cup and
Serve pan gravy on side OR pour over pork when dismembered

Swordfish Seared-Broiled w Cacciatore Sauce

The Gravy